Understanding The Times; The Compass For True Living –Rev. Nwanne


ThankGod Emeh…

The Senior Pastor of Assemblies of God Church, Umudibia Nekede, Owerri District, Imo state, Rev Vitalis Nwanne have called the attention of Christians world over to unpalatable events of time, charging them to be watchful of the lives they lead as well as the company they keep as they are pointers of destruction and end time.

Rev Nwanne made the call in a message entitled “Understanding the Times” on Sunday 24th September 2023 while reading from Matthew 24:10-12, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, of 4:1-4 and Philipians 4:8.

Nwanne stated that the wickedness and man inhumanity to fellow man has gone out of hands while pointing out the scriptural warnings and guide for a better world.

“Knowing the Times therefore, Christians should stand strong in Lord Jesus Christ & and in the Strength of His might as the Solid Rock, being guarded with the Armours of Breast plate of Righteousness, helmet of Salvation, belt of Truth, Gospel shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith & ceaseless prayers and Praises”

He charged Christians to anchor their faith on God describing the affairs of earth as a river with turbulent conditions where only persevering Christians anchor onto God for safety at all times.

“We have to get ourselves acquainted with knowledge as we are living in a time of wickedness, and violence”

“As Christians, we should anchor our faith on God if we don’t want to be carried away by rivers of corruption, rebellion, wickedness…”

He noted that thorough cross examination of one’s lifestyle, and principles is the way to go for Godly teachings to dwell in everyone.

He said “The things we are experiencing in the world today has long been notified in the Bible”, hence the need to get knowledge of God in the Holy book as He alone is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipotent to see all through.

“Knowing the Times,
We need a Saviour, Bible;
We need not to be Idle;
Christians ought to ensure their Anchor grips Christ Jesus- the Solid Rock.

Rev. Nwanne decried the despeakable level of wickedness, selfisness, covetousness that have characterized the general society.

He however advised Christians to be resilient in all their good doing, adding that leading a good life, living righteous and above corruption comes with enormous challenges.

The Man of God who totally frowned at acts of unholiness, blasphemy, lack of gratitude to God and human, boast and pride, stressed it is high time Christians world over came out from their hiding places in the church, deny bandwagon of trends so as to make the world a better place.

He tasked children of God to always read the Bible and adhere to its teachings, noting it as the manual of God for Godly living.

“When others are living in lies, corruption, wickedness; stand up for the truth and God will see you through”

“Do not join them in Hatred, unforgiveness, corruption and all worth because you can beat them”

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